Term 2 ELT - ECD Intention Settings

Before Learning At Home (Lockdown)

After Learning At Home (After Lockdown)

Educator Liberation

Tile of the story - “Hamin’s Learning At Home”

I don’t want to lose…

Being connected to the learner's family/parents


The support from family really made our learners care about their learning. The learning does not stop at school, it also continues at home. It was amazing to see great learning happening at home, the kids were happy to share their knowledge with their parents. 

Two cards

One way I will know…
Continue to contact learners’ parents and also learners sharing what they did at home with their family.

One way others will see…

The parents will be more confident and familiar with our home learning grid and how to help learners with those activities. They will not be confused about how to help their child at home.
