Ormiston Primary Community Sports Day

Ormiston Primary had a successful community sports day.  All learners and learning coaches had lots of fun together playing various games and athletics activities. It was a great time for everyone as the school year is coming to an end, hence its the time to celebrate and have some fun!!

Maunga was included in the junior programme packed with many fun and easy activities that all can enjoy. The learners loved participating in every activity and some even had the chance to compete with their parents and family members. 

It was a great time for me as I participated in all the activities with my learners! I can't wait for the next Ormiston community sports day! 


  1. We had a blast!!! Maunga and Team ABC 2019 forever!!! The memories will always have a special place in my heart!!! Here's to the ones that we got! #firstyearatormps


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