Te Reo Maori Language Week

Te Reo Maori Week

This year, Te Reo Maori Language week starts on the 9th September. This is a special week for all New Zealanders to be reminded of our Maori culture and language. 

“The research shows that English-medium teachers in the participating schools displayed positive attitudes towards Māori language, and a critical awareness of the need to value the language."  -  tetaurawhiri.govt.nz

For many years, NZ teachers have been teaching learners Maori language as it is a vital part of the NZ Curriculum. It is very important for educators to encourage young people in Maori language and celebrating their successes. It is also crucial for educators to consistently integrate Maori culture and language in their lesson plan so that it becomes embedded in their daily lives. 

Image result for te reo maori language week

These are some ideas on how to contribute to Te Reo Maori revitalisation from the 
Ti Wiki O Te Reo Maori website

  • Make te reo welcome at work and in the community
  • Encourage others to use and learn te reo Māori; welcome Māori language into your life
  • Pronounce Māori words correctly when speaking English
  • Learn a little, use a little
  • Learn more, and use what you know
  • Keep improving your language, and share what you know
