iExperience - Food Technology

What has been going well?

My iExperience focus was on Food Technology as I have never taught or planned lessons based on this curriculum area. I enjoyed planning this unit on making healthy sandwiches and I picked this topic as I thought this would really engage learners and would relate to them really well. WHO DOESN'T LOVE FOOD?! :)
I had 2 weeks to teach one group, so I've broken the unit into three parts:
1. Balanced Diet / Food groups (Investigating Context)
2. Design your own sandwich (Design / Brief Development)
3. Make your sandwich (Product Outcome) / Evaluation

Here is the link to my presentation
What have you noticed?

I've noticed how motivated and excited the kids were during every single iExperience lesson. All learning tasks were very enjoyable for learners and they weren't challenging for them, even for our low ability learners.
I think this is because the learning tasks were designed to be hands on:
Eg. bread tasting, cutting out food from magazines and sorting them out in food groups.
Learners could relate to their daily lives:
Eg. What food do you like or don't you like? What kind of sandwiches have you eaten? Bringing healthy lunch challenge.

What would you do differently?
I felt like 2 weeks was too short to cover all three parts in detail.
Next time, I would teach these lessons for 3 weeks and go over hygiene, cooking rules, and cooking utensils in depth. What do you think? What would you do differently?
