Youcubed Maths


I had a mini PD with Lisa regarding mathematics teaching and learning.
I found this session really helpful as we went through different ways to motivate our learners who are struggling in maths.
I've recognised that a lot of my low ability learners are less motivated and conceives mathematics as something that is really hard, thus it's not fun and they are not good at it.
Lisa introduced me to this amazing website for innovative maths teaching & learning.

Youcubed maths website included weekly inspirational maths ideas that are intended to grow learners’ mindset about maths and learning. I also found some engaging hands-on maths activities that my learners would really enjoy.

Here is the link:

The purpose for this website is to inspire, educate and empower teachers of mathematics, transforming the latest research on math learning into accessible and practical forms.

Weekly inspirational maths includes 5 lessons based on changing their mindset about maths, encouraging learners to push themselves and to view maths learning differently.

I made Thursdays as my Inspirational Maths Day- my learners learned that 'a little bit of struggle is good' and 'I need to believe in myself and try hard to achieve' and 'Easy maths means no learning, but maths with struggle shows that I am learning!'

Here is a screenshot of my Inspirational Maths Day planning (Look at Thursday).
