NZSL (New Zealand Sign Language) Class

Learning NZSL was in the top of my bucket list for 2019 and I've always had ambition of learning different languages. Sign Language is one of New Zealand's official language and for some reason, communicating through sign fascinated me. 

I've signed up with my colleagues for NZSL classes in KDEC 

(Kelston Deaf Education Centre) 

which is right next door to our habitat(Maunga). 

Philip led the class and taught us basic greetings and question starters such as who, what, when, where, and why. We also learned the alphabets in sign and practised signing our names and short words such as 'dog', 'cat' and 'key'. 

KDEC is part of our school and our learners are always encouraged to communicate and interact with deaf learners. As a learning coach and an educator of NZ, I wanted to learn NZSL so that I could teach my learners. 

The class is on every Wednesdays so I am very excited to develop my knowledge in sign language and learn more! 
I am also very pleased to see the number of learners in my habitat who are interested in learning NZSL and even started taking lunchtime classes to learn NZSL. They shared their learning during habitat time teaching others how to sign and it was awesome!
