Meet the Learning Coaches

Meet the Learning Coaches evening was held on the 13th of February. I was surprised to see the number of parents who came to talk to their child's learning coaches, have a look around the learning environment. I am glad that I was able to have nice conversations with parents of Maunga learners and connect with our parents and caregivers of learners. 

We had prepared a wish jar & forms for parents to fill in before and after the session.  The activity was for parents to write wishes for their child's learning opportunities at Ormiston Primary. I was very impressed to see the number of formed filled in and put in the jar. This showed their interest in their child's learning and their life at school.

We went through Maunga learner expectations, Maunga timetable, BYOD, Waste-free lunches, PUDO, and home learning expectations. It was very interesting to see that many parents asking a range of different questions and they were very curious about their child's learning. 
