
i-experience is a fundamental part of Ormiston Primary's daily design. This has been evolved from the experiential learning approach that CERI had suggested. 

Experiential learning approach is that the learning is not controlled by the educators and there are no predetermined learning objectives. Learning is visible by context, learner's motivations, learner's interests, their questions, interaction with others, and the discoveries made. 

Building marble maze with plates and sticks.

In Ormiston Primary, i-experience is done through interesting provocations provided by the learning coaches for their learners, as well as lessons to enrich learners' experience of different learning areas of the curriculum, other than literacy and mathematics. 

For Maunga, the provocations change every week. Each learning coach brings interesting objects and resources for learners to explore and experience. 

Learners building a castle with dominos
Chalk Art - Maunga 2019 ' Reaching for the Stars'

Collaborative Chalk Art work

For example, this week I brought in some wooden toys that I've made last year. One of them was an airplane and it had a propeller that rotated using solar power. Learners took it outside to test the solar panels and they were curious about how it worked. 

Mrs. Anfaz brought in some seashells and starfish. She also prepared some papers and colouring pencils to see what the learners might do with them. 

Miss. B brought in a picture book about skeletons and she prepared some black papers and cotton ear buds to see what they would do with those materials. 

throughout these couple of weeks, it was very interesting to find some students thinking outside the box as they created or thought of something that the learning coaches have never thought of. It was completely mind blowing to find out how all learners think all differently and be unique in their own ways, when they had same provocations and resources. 

Learning about elements of music - 'BEAT'

I really enjoy i-experience time. I feel like this is the time that students take initiative of their learning and experiencing different provocations!
